NDNEEL2s&z Document type:`journal article`" Author (organisation): Author (person): Document type: Editor: In:  , pp.  In: ISBN: Language:2 Location: Note: Pages: Record number: . Shelfmark:() , ,no. () Shelfmark:() , no. () Shelfmark:() ,  () Subjects: Title:" Author (organisation): Author (person): Document type: Editor: Imprint: : |, c Imprint: : |,  Imprint: |, c Imprint: |,  Imprint:  ISBN: ISSN: Language:2 Location: Note: Pages: Record number: . Series: ;  Series: Shelfmark: Subjects: Title: Document type:`serial`" Author (organisation): Author (person): Document type: Editor: Frequency: Imprint: : |, c Imprint: : |,  Imprint: |, c Imprint: |,  Imprint:  ISBN: ISSN: Language:2 Location: Note: Pages: Record number: . Shelfmark: Subjects: Title:BLDS is funded by0, 20DD[ ] - . D edited by by H H: , USA [ ] , U.S.A. D[ ] , D DDD p. ; : p Dby HD*ed. version. version [ ] edition. edition HS: . [ ] / , ( ) DHD: DDScale DDDSLSDL L!L"L#L$L%L&L'D0© H / [ ] D.     Shelfmark:  British Lib for Dev Studiesblds.ids.ac.ukBLDSClick "Display in Detailed Format" to display tagged records, twenty at a time. Use your browser's Save As command to save the records as plain text (not HTML). The twenty records may then be imported using this filter. To import twenty more records, repeat the above steps.'British Library for Development Studies